Saturday, May 23, 2015

Provo MTC: February 11, 2000

Hey fam!

Thanks for all the great stuff!  I really didn't understand what Laura [note: my first cousin] said about receiving stuff here, but I do now.  It's a really great feeling.  Now, what's this about "Do not open until February 14th", huh?  Huh?  What's the point of getting mail if I can't open it?  Arg!  Of course, I'm just joking.  I'm really grateful for all the stuffs.  And I'll even wait 'til Arizona turns 88 to open the card.  Thanks a lot!


PS  Yes, Mom.  You can send food stuffs!  (Hint, hint)

PPS  Oh, yeah.  I'm doing just fine here, with the exception of a mild cold.  Learning is going good.

PPPS  It's okay to send candy and stuff.

PPPPS  Sorry this one's so short, but I gotta get to class.

PPPPPS  Can you send me Eldon's address? [note: high school buddy who was serving his mission in Korea at the time]

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